Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Along for the Ride by Sarah Dessen

I just finished reading Along for the Ride by Sarah Dessen and found it to be a very good read. However, I did not find it to be one of her best books. It's about an insomniac, Auden, who meets another insomniac, Eli. They start to connect to each other as Auden goes on a quest for the childhood she never had, while Eli reopens about an accident that happened nearly over a year ago. Auden has to deal with new experiences, new friends, parent problems and learning to ride a bike. Do not let the cover mislead you, this is not some fluffy-taled romance with a pink dress and a (to put it modestly) SMOKIN' guy. It is a problematic story that keeps going until the end. Also, I just wanted to say how absolutly annoying it gets when main characters do stuff that is completely STUPID, you would think theyed know better!!! But i suppose that's how the story keeps on a rollin'. Anyway, i would recommend this book and any other Sarah Dessen books, because i find that they are all very realistic and not fruity like some other books.
On a scale of 1-10 how good was it? 8
383 pgs.

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